Posts tagged art
Having Fun in 2021...

In an overly politicised, polarised and dramatised world is having fun even an option? Humour is hate speech, having a self determined conscious thought is alarming and stepping out of ‘line’ is an expedited trip to controversy so has ‘fun’ lost its place in the world?

Let’s do some quick bigger picture reflection here; I am assuming that a life lived on your own terms still sounds like a good idea, yes? Enjoying this human experience is still paramount, right? Your time is limited no matter what you do and the unpredictable reality of life means this moment is worth the most, correct? Then what had changed? Why do we hesitate when we want to have fun or celebrate or back ourselves or make a stand for something we think is right regardless of others opinions? Why is it that our lack of care and appreciation for our hearts mean it is the number one killer of dreams in our lives cutting our time short? What limiting beliefs are we submitting to and why? How have we arrived at a place where we have a mental health pandemic ravaging our youth? Could it be that micro managing our human experience and limiting fun effects the Youth who still knows what that word means most? Or is it the cruel irony that plagues our society where the most socially praised can break the rules for mega, star studded parties but heavens don’t you even think of accidentally making one mistake. Is that unapologetic to mistakes along the enormous pressure affecting youngsters or all of us a like who need to fail in order to learn crushing our souls?

Look I understand these words may sound a bit heavy and deep and of course confronting though I also know confronting the depths of your own being, asking endless questions and soul gazing into who you are and what makes you up is the way out of an un-satisfied experience. Isn’t it time for you to have some fun, for you to live unapologetically, for you to get out your comfort zone and challenge your limiting beliefs so that you too can grow? After all aren’t we here to create a life worth living?

If you are struggling to find Joy and fun in your life, remind yourself of how important your environment is.. get around people who are fun loving, up-beat, excited about all of the opportunity that is ahead and really, a moving and mobile corpse rather than a sombre soul. Look for me, in writing this, I am preaching to my on choir, a choir that says. Your life is your life not your work is your life and yes I most certainly find it hard to hear their voices of wisdom over the loud typing fingers as I relentlessly work to complete cycles of action however I have been lucky enough to open up to those who truly care for and love me, my fun, positive, undeniable attitude so at the right time, that can remind me of that inner child and I can pull him out for some experience creating time. Attitude - that is what I I think has been shot the most as a collective in the last few years.. our attitude to loyalty, to trust, to truth and our attitude to life, our lives.

For the sake of what is left in your life, the journey you are paving for yourself and the future generations - do us all a favour and live it your way, free and fun. Experience this life to the fullest and rip yourself out of the woven string of avoiding pain and moving toward pleasure at every turn, live beyond that, live transcended from just merely the physical and the behavioural cues predicting every moment of your life. Be unpredictable, unhinged and unbound and best of all, be having a fun time!