Posts tagged board short
Awesome Perth Surfing Photography by Soul Gazing Photography

There's something simply pleasant about capturing people surfing. Maybe it's the action, it could be that I myself have spent 100s of hours out in the surf or maybe the fact that surfing is just a beautiful, grounding, spiritual thing.

In my eyes Surfing and Photography share similar aspects. Both skills take time to master but progress is quickly recognised in your results. They both offer a canvas for complete creative expression. Surfing and Photography both can take you to a meditative space.

Whether it's boogie boarding, body surfing or straight-out surfing. Fun in the waves is always guaranteed. Be smart though, always swim between the flags, avoid rough water, make sure you've learnt how to spot rips and swim with friends and within your own capability. 

Fun tip: If you're going to fall, then fall with style in this case Kane chose to dab.

Surfing this beach break with my mates gave me a little more understanding of where the wave breaks, how and who catches the most. So out of the three Tom charges more, prepare to feast your eyes on some serious carving...

I loved how the green came through in the images. The water was just the right colour as the currents and time of year allowed for. It made you want to go in and soak up the indian ocean, all the while creating some nice contrast against the blue. Photographing a bit earlier on in the late morning was intentional as to have the sun behind me to light the subject with any shadows falling away into the background. 

I just couldn't help myself at the opportunity of capturing some humour and fun in these images. The ambitious persistence of my mates wasn't always rewarded with sweet waves, great timing or barreling tubes. So of course this resulted in some perfectly timed images where their failure was turned into our success. DO enjoy...


Once I believed that I caught enough good images it was time to change the settings and try something a bit more creative. This effect was done by using a slow shutter speed (1/30th) and tracking the subject as they moved across the wave, I had to maintain the same speed of movement as the subject to ensure they'd be sharp. I had done this before with cars so I knew the methodology but trying it with surfing proved a entirely new challenge. 


All in all i was happy with the experience of being out of the surf looking in and observing closely the many moments that take place. As summer is upon us it well and truly time we jump right in.